What Should I Do About My Child's Sore Throat?
Children are frequently exposed to common bacterial and viral infections that cause sore throats and other cold or flu symptoms, which typically subside with antibiotics and in-home practices. In rare cases, a sore throat may indicate a serious or life-threatening issue that requires immediate medical intervention. At Cross Timbers ENT, our team works with families throughout Arlington, Midlothian, and Mansfield, TX to assess and treat pediatric throat conditions.
Symptoms of a sore throat in children
Children may struggle with communicating their medical symptoms to adults, especially younger children who haven’t grasped verbal language yet. Here are a few symptoms that may indicate that your child has a sore throat:
Persistent cough
Raspy or hoarse voice
Clearing of the throat
Difficulty with or pain when swallowing
Scratchy or raw sensation in the back of the throat
A sore throat may be accompanied by other symptoms, including:
Runny nose
Red eyes
Congestion or sinus pain
Swollen lymph nodes
Ear pain
Swelling of the tonsils
Common causes of a sore throat in children
There are numerous causes for sore throats in children, including:
Viral infections (influenza, mononucleosis)
Bacterial infections (strep throat)
Exposure to dry air during the winter months
Persistent screaming, yelling, talking, etc.
A sore throat can lead to mildly irritating symptoms that resolve within days or serious symptoms that require medical attention. Our team at Cross Timbers ENT is equipped to assess your child’s sore throat, identify the root cause, and help determine the appropriate treatments.
Can a sore throat indicate something serious?
In some cases, a sore throat may be a symptom of a life-threatening medical condition or an infection that requires medical intervention. Parents should seek assistance from medical personnel if their child demonstrates:
Difficulty breathing
Difficulty swallowing
A fever
Trouble rotating or moving their neck
Difficulty opening their mouth
A muffled voice
A sore throat with no cough
Parents may also bring their child in for a medical check-up if they feel uncomfortable or overly concerned about their child’s symptoms. Our team at Cross Timbers ENT will perform an initial examination, collect your child’s medical history, and discuss their available treatment options to prevent symptoms from worsening.
What should I do about my child’s sore throat?
For many children, a sore throat can resolve within a few days with the right care at home. If your child exhibits symptoms of a sore throat, there are a few methods parents can incorporate at home to alleviate their pain, including:
Giving your child plenty of fluids to drink, including warm broths
Providing your child with soft foods
Giving your child cold foods, like ice cream or popsicles
Using throat sprays or lozenges according to the recommended dosage
Setting up a humidifier
Encouraging them to take warm baths or showers
Learn more about caring fora child’s sore throat in DFW
If you reside near Arlington, Midlothian, or Mansfield, TX, and would like to learn more about our pediatric interventions, contact us at Cross Timbers ENT and schedule a consultation today. Our team will work with you and your child to identify the cause of their symptoms, provide appropriate treatments if necessary, and instruct you on how to care for a sore throat while at home.