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Hearing Aid Fitting, Orienation & Follow Up in North Texas

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Hearing aid fitting and orientation

Our hearing aid fitting and orientation protocol is designed to ensure a satisfactory hearing aid fitting and transition to hearing aid use. Approximately ten to fourteen days after the hearing aids are ordered, you will return to CTENT for hearing aid fitting and orientation appointment that will last up to one hour. During the appointment, your audiologist will:

  • Program your hearing aids based on your hearing test results.
  • Fine-tune your hearing aids based on your perception of volume and clarity.
  • Provide thorough hearing aid counseling and orientation to teach you how to use and care for your new hearing aids.
  • Review hearing aid features, function, use and care.
  • Establish bluetooth connectivity and provide wireless streaming and app use instruction.
  • Review proper expectations and suggestions to assist you during the adjustment period.

During the 30-day adjustment period, it is important that you return to CTENT for appropriate follow-up appointments to assure that the hearing aids are adjusted properly.

Follow Up Care

We would like to see you for follow-up appointments at least as often as listed below:
Two weeks after the hearing aid fitting

  • You will report how the hearing aids are performing, if you are experiencing any issues that need to be resolved. Hearing aid modifications and reprogramming will be completed if indicated.

Near the end of the 30-day adjustment period

  • By the end of the first 30 days, adjustment to the new hearing aids should be nearly complete. During this appointment, Live Speech Mapping will be completed to verify audibility is appropriate at all frequencies requiring amplification. Hearing aid modifications and reprogramming will be completed if indicated.

Six months after the hearing aid fitting, and every six months thereafter

  • Your hearing aids will be cleaned and checked for proper functioning and dehumidified. Hearing aid modifications and reprogramming will be completed if indicated.

Hearing Aid Fitting FAQs

How long does a hearing aid fitting appointment take?

A hearing aid fitting and orientation appointment typically lasts up to one hour. During this visit, one of our dedicated providers will program your hearing aids based on your test results, fine-tune the settings for optimal clarity and comfort, and provide detailed instructions on use, maintenance, and care. This session ensures that your hearing aids are adjusted properly to fit your lifestyle and hearing needs.

What should I expect during the hearing aid follow-up appointments?

Follow-up appointments are scheduled to fine-tune your hearing aids and ensure a smooth transition to consistent use. The first visit, about two weeks after fitting, allows your audiologist to make necessary adjustments based on your feedback. By the end of the 30-day adjustment period, Live Speech Mapping will be performed to verify that sounds are clear and appropriately amplified. Routine follow-ups every six months help maintain performance, clean the devices, and update settings as needed.

Why are multiple follow-ups necessary after getting hearing aids?

Adapting to hearing aids is a gradual process, and follow-up appointments help ensure that your devices are properly adjusted for maximum comfort and effectiveness. These visits allow for fine-tuning based on real-world experiences, ensuring that speech clarity, background noise management, and overall performance meet your expectations. Regular maintenance also extends the lifespan of your hearing aids and keeps them functioning at their best.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.