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Hearing Aids in North Texas

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Your hearing test results indicate hearing aid use is an appropriate option for better hearing and communication. Your needs in relation to your lifestyle and activities of daily living are unique. The selection and fitting of hearing instruments is a very important process that involves much more than simply purchasing a product. Because no two hearing impaired people are alike, to best meet your needs, professional care from an audiologist is essential in hearing aid evaluation, selection, fitting, orientation, and follow up.

CTENT provides the full range of comprehensive hearing aid services needed to ensure a successful outcome including an audiological evaluation, hearing aid exam and selection, programming and fitting, hearing aid orientation and follow-up.

What are the benefits?

At Cross Timbers ENT, hearing aids provide life-altering results. Benefits of these devices for Arlington, TX patients include:

  • Improved ability to hear, even in crowded rooms
  • Confidence when speaking on the phone
  • Small, discrete devices available
  • Prevention of cognitive decline due to withdrawal from hearing loss

Who is a candidate for hearing aids?

Hearing aids can be life-changing solutions for individuals experiencing certain types of hearing loss that affects their quality of life. Candidates for hearing aids include those who encounter difficulties in understanding conversations, often ask others to repeat themselves, or withdraw from social interactions due to hearing challenges. Additionally, those who notice a decline in their ability to hear everyday sounds like the doorbell or phone ringing may benefit. To determine your candidacy for hearing aids with certainty, our experienced team of providers will conduct a thorough consultation and evaluation. Modern hearing aids are versatile, available in various styles and technologies to suit different degrees and types of hearing loss, ensuring a customized and improved hearing experience for a wide variety of candidates.

What are Hearing Aids?

Hearing aids are medical devices, not a retail “one-size fits all” product. Modern hearing aids are sophisticated, digital-processing, sound-amplifying devices designed and programmed to aid individuals with hearing impairment. They are available in a variety of styles, sizes, colors, and technology levels [see Figure]. All hearing aids dispensed at CTENT have a 30-day adjustment period, three-year repair warranty and three-year loss & damage replacement coverage.

How do hearing aids work?

Sounds enter through the microphone(s), which converts the sounds (acoustic signals) into electrical signals. The electrical signals are then amplified and digitally processed. The signals are then converted back to an acoustic signal by the receiver (speaker). The acoustic signals are then channeled to the ear canal directly (if a RIC style), or through a tube and dome tip or custom ear mold. A battery, either disposable button cell or rechargeable, is required to power the process.

Why wear Hearing Aids?

Untreated hearing loss results in significant negative social, psychological, cognitive and health effects that can seriously impact your personal and professional life. According to the Better Hearing Institute, studies have linked untreated hearing loss to: irritability, negativism and anger; fatigue, tension, stress and depression; avoidance or withdrawal from social situations; social rejection and loneliness; reduced alertness and increased risk to personal safety; impaired memory and ability to learn new tasks; reduced job performance and earning power; and, diminished psychological and overall health.
So, why wear hearing aids? To improve your quality of life by mitigating the many negative consequences of untreated hearing loss.

What should your expectations be?

What hearing aids will do:
Use of hearing aids, when fit and programmed appropriately, will improve your ability to hear and understand speech in most situations and settings, will improve the quality of music, and will restore ease of communication.

What hearing aids will not do:
Hearing aids will not restore hearing to normal, will not eliminate all unwanted sounds, and will not enable the user to understand conversational speech in all situations and settings (difficulty due to noise, distance, and reverberation).

What does hearing aid benefit depend on?

The amount of benefits one receives from hearing aid use is not the same for all users and is dependent on several factors including:

  • the type and severity of hearing loss
  • the ability to utilize residual hearing to understand speech
  • the appropriateness of hearing aid style, features and technology level
  • how well the hearing aid is programmed
  • the listening demands in a variety of situations and settings
  • the user’s expectations and desires for improvement
  • the user’s ability and determination to adjust to hearing aid use

Hearing Aids FAQs

When should I consider hearing aids?

If you experience any of the following, it is a good idea to have your hearing evaluated at Cross Timbers ENT: difficulty understanding speech in noisy environments, frequent requests from others to "speak up," constantly turning up the volume on the television or radio, ringing in your ears (tinnitus), and difficulty understanding telephone conversations.

What is the best age for a hearing aid?

There is no predetermined age for obtaining a hearing aid. Hearing aids can be beneficial at any age depending on your stage of hearing loss. It is important to book an evaluation as soon as you notice any difficulty or changes in your hearing abilities. Our professionals proudly help people of all ages and backgrounds in Arlington, TX.

What about over-the-counter hearing aids?

Drugstore hearing aids may not have the same sound quality or features found in custom devices. This is why we generally do not recommend purchasing hearing aids over the counter. A hearing specialist can test your hearing and accurately determine the type and style of hearing aids that best suit your needs.

How do I choose the right hearing aid for me?

Choosing the right hearing aid depends on factors such as the severity and type of hearing loss, lifestyle and communication needs, budget, and personal preferences. Our team at Cross Timbers ENT can conduct a comprehensive hearing evaluation, discuss your concerns and goals, and recommend the most suitable hearing aid options for your specific needs.

How do I care for my hearing aids?

Proper care and maintenance are essential for prolonging the lifespan of hearing aids and ensuring optimal performance. Tips for caring for hearing aids include cleaning them regularly with a soft, dry cloth, avoiding exposure to moisture and extreme temperatures, replacing batteries as needed, and storing them in a protective case when not in use. Regular visits to Cross Timbers ENT for cleaning, adjustments, and hearing evaluations are also recommended.

How long do hearing aids last?

The lifespan of hearing aids depends on factors such as the quality of the device, how well they are maintained, and changes in hearing over time. On average, hearing aids can last between 3 – 7 years or more with proper care and regular maintenance. However, technological advancements and changes in hearing needs may prompt individuals to upgrade to newer models sooner.

Hearing aid exam and selection

During your hearing aid examination and selection appointment, your audiologist will:

  • Explain your test results and the negative consequences of untreated hearing loss.
  • Discuss your needs and desires for hearing improvement.
  • Help you select the appropriate hearing aid style and level of technology for your individual needs.
  • Discuss your potential for benefit from hearing aid use.
  • Recommend any additional assistive technology deemed appropriate.

It is very helpful to have a family member or friend present with you at this time, and throughout the process of obtaining and adjusting to hearing aids, so that he/she can provide encouragement and assistance.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.